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Commercial Wrought Iron Fencing

Long Island Commercial Iron Fencing Contractors

Commerical iron fencing is a key aspect for any business. It needs to be durable and strong, while also looking great. Bobco Ornamental Iron is located in Franklin Square, New York. Our staff has years of experience constructing iron fences for commercial properties and businesses across Long Island, New York. Our contractors will install state-of-the-art wrought iron fences for your property. Get a quote today!

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When you reach out to us, we can provide you with more details about our ironworks services. We can also discuss how we can help you come to a decision regarding your commercial wrought iron fence.

Benefits of a Commercial Wrought Iron Fence

The installation of a commercial wrought iron fence provides the client with many great benefits. Let's take a look at these wonderful benefits. Turn to Bobco Ornamental Iron for the best fencing contracting services with wrought iron on Long Island.

Wrought Iron Is Long Lasting

When you opt for wrought iron as the material for the fencing, you will not need to worry about replacing the fence every few years. Wrought iron will not warp or deteriorate over time and a professional installation and proper treatment will allow you to keep your wrought iron fence in good condition for years to come.

With this installation, the wrought iron fence will stay in good working condition with only some occasional maintenance. And without having to spend frequently on a fence, you will have more money to spend on other ventures of your business.

Increases Security

Our installation of a wrought iron fence offers some great security benefits that are unmatched by other fencing materials. With this fence, most vandals will not be able to break or bend it. And traditional fence cutting tools will not work on it. With our custom welding, we can add deterrents to the tops of these fences that ensure trespassers will not try to hop the fence either.

Due to these enhancements in security, you will even deter criminals from even thinking about entering your property since you are less of a target.

Less Maintenance

If left completely alone, your wrought iron fence will continue to work no matter the elements. Of course, some maintenance is required, but you still need to do what you can in order to maintain the fence. However, the maintenance is so minimal, so you will not need to spend lots of time or money in order to keep the fence working properly.

For the most part, a coat of paint will serve to keep the rust away and looking good for years. Apply the paint to spots where weather has chipped or worn away. So it is not a full maintenance job to repair.

And wrought iron fencing cannot be damaged by bugs and pests, which is another way for the maintenance to be lowered for this type of fence.

Lowers Liability

A wrought iron fence is a strong deterrent that will only help to reduce your exposure to many different types of liabilities. In many instances, insurance companies will see that you are actively trying to limit potential litigation. Many will see this fence and know that you are doing all you can to stop unauthorized entrants from coming onto the property.

Increases Curb Appeal

And at the end of the day, a nice wrought iron fence for your commercial property or business will increase the curb appeal. With our ability to customize the fence, we will make your property look more elegant. An ornate wrought iron fence can bring in foot traffic and thus more customers if you are in that sort of business. And if you are looking to sell the property one day, a nice wrought iron fence will increase the sale of the business.

Bobco Ornamental Iron Inc.

PO Box 261
Franklin Square NY 11010